There are many different types of surgeons like Dr. Kirman that can perform numerous operations on the human body. Some of them are going to specialize in a specific type of operation or practice while others may be more general in what they do. One type of surgery is performed by a cosmetic surgeon, who uses his abilities to enhance the appearance of individuals through various medical techniques and surgical procedures.
When many people look for cosmetic surgeons, they begin by looking for plastic surgeons but there is a difference between these two types of doctors. Although either of them can be a professional and certainly have the ability to be skilled in what they do, cosmetic surgery tends to focus more on the enhancement of appearance while plastic surgery may repair defects or reconstruct a part of the body that may be experiencing problems in order to have more of a normal appearance and function.
Cosmetic surgery may also cover a wide range of surgical procedures, most of which will typically be voluntary. The following are some of the more common surgical options that are offered by cosmetic surgeons:
Breast enhancement – This is probably one of the most common and better known surgical procedures offered by a walnut creek plastic surgeon. Most of those who think about this type of procedure probably think about a breast augmentation but they actually may perform any number of different types of operations that can affect the way that the breasts look. This will include a lift or even a reduction, depending on the needs of the patient.
Body contouring – Another popular procedure that is performed by cosmetic surgeons, body contouring can take on many different forms. Most people are familiar with liposuction, which removes the fat from underneath the skin. Tummy tucks are also a popular procedure for those who want the appearance that they are thinner. For men, a common type of body contouring is a treatment for gynecomastia, which is enlarged male breasts.
Facial Contouring – Just like contouring the body, there may be a number of different procedures that can affect the way that the face appears as well. Rhinoplasty is probably one of the more common treatments and it is certainly better known than many of the other treatments. It is commonly known as a nose job. The chin can also be worked on and, depending upon the needs of the patient, the surgeon can either add material to make the chin more defined or remove material in order to make it smaller. Cheek enhancements are also a popular facial contouring procedure.
Skin rejuvenation – There is a wide range of options available for skin rejuvenation. They all have the same basic goal of helping to smooth the skin and make it younger looking. Botox is perhaps one of the more common types of skin rejuvenation but there are also filler treatments that can make the area look fuller and laser resurfacing for the removal of scars.
What is interesting is the fact that plastic surgery may also offer a number of similar types of surgical procedures. Some of the procedures that a plastic surgeon may perform include repairs to the breasts or perhaps a cleft palate. They may also work on individuals who have burns or need reconstructive surgery to the hand or lower part of the body. Visit here for some specialties from Dr Kirman- breast augmentation, tummy tuck, facelift.
Cosmetic surgery is something that many people turn to when they are not happy with the way that they look in the mirror. By having the adjustments made surgically, they can get almost an instant form of gratification and in many cases, they can change things about their body that they will be unable to change through lifestyle modifications.